Thursday, November 3, 2016

How to Survive NaNoWriMo

Hey ya'll!

As I'm writing this, I am totally procrastinating writing for NaNo, and even though I talked about it a little on Wednesday I wanted to talk about NaNoWriMo a little further. Primarily, the advice I've been given to survive it.

So here it is! Five tips I've learned on what to do during NaNoWriMo.

  1. Set a schedule. I write every morning as soon as I get up. (Unless something weird pops up. Hence the procrastinating...) I've been told that this is the best way to win NaNo, stay consistent. 
  2. If schedules aren't your thing make sure you still have time to write. Translation: Don't sign up for every single club your school has to offer in November. NaNo is very time intensive, especially when your like me and stalk the social part of it all day instead of writing. ;) Don't spread yourself too thin, you still need to be able to eat and sleep this November. 
  3. Don't forget to eat and sleep. This sounds easy enough, but my fellow writers know, there are times that everything but your story gets neglected. Trust me, NaNo makes it ten times worse, so don't forget to eat, you're of no use to your story if you die from starvation. 
  4. Don't listen to your editor voice. This is harder than it sounds. It's only three days in and I've already wanted to rewrite the entire thing... twice. It's hard when you're just getting the words down and not allowing yourself to "fix" it, but that's one of the joys of NaNo, everybody's story is a hideous first draft! You aren't the only one. 
  5. Stick. With. It. You will want to quit, you will want to waste the entire day pretending you're being productive, you will want to delete the whole thing. Don't. Because at the end of the day you're doing this to write a novel, and quitting ain't gonna make a novel. You can do it. 
Hope this helps you in your NaNo journey! Now back to writing my book...


"...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" Hebrews 12:1

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