Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween with Allergies

Hey ya'll,

In news completely unrelated to this post I decided to do something completely crazy this month. I'm doing NaNoWriMo.

For those of you who don't know what that is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Where us brave (or insane) few try to write a novel in 30 days.

Yep, I'm officially crazy.

Have I written a novel? Yes, but it took me over a year. Now I'm supposed to write a novel in a month?

Alright enough ranting...

Today, I actually wanted to talk about Halloween with food allergies.

So I may be one of the very few, but my nut allergies are airborne, meaning I can't be around them, so Halloween isn't my favorite holiday in the world. Can anyone relate?

Yet, my siblings still want to put on costumes and go trick or treating, so I, as the dutiful big sister, go with them, and in the years of nut allergies I've learned some tips for allergies and trick or treating.

  1. Don't go alone. I mean this is a given anyway, but what I mean is don't go with just your family who may or may not have allergies too. Go with a friend or relative who can go through your candy so you don't stick your hand right into a half open peanut butter cup.
  2. Say more than trick or treat. If you know your neighbors like I do this won't be a problem, seeing as the whole street has classified us as 'that allergy family'. (anyone else with that title?) But if you're trick or treating where no one knows you it's better to say 'I can't have that' to the offending candy than have it in your bag and risk contaminating everything. 
  3. Go last. If you're going in a group be the last person to get candy, that way you can see what they're giving out. If it's something you can't have just blend in with the crowd and walk off.
That's all I have. Anyone else have any surviving Halloween with allergies tips?

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6 


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