Monday, January 9, 2017

I'm Not Giving Up

Hey Guys,

Sorry you haven't heard from me for a little while, it's tricky stuff running a blog and a life at the same time. :P.

Anyway, today I wanted to talk about giving up on a story...

Has anyone else ever felt like they just don't want to work on a book any more? I'm feeling like that with my NaNo book, and boy, it's difficult.

I feel like I'm letting go to a part of me, because I love that book, but right now I don't have the resources I need to fix it. I'm a 'fix as I go' writer, but I'm trying to do it in shifts in order to make the editing process easier, but I can't do it! I want to go overhaul the whole thing!

Finally, I've decided I'm not getting rid of it, I'm delaying it until I can spend more time with it, because it hurts to throw out your pride and joy, and I'm not one to throw the baby out with the bath water. (That's such a weird saying) 

Has anyone else ever felt like they need to give up on a book? What did you do?


"Do not be anxious about anything, instead with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving,  present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

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